Cuba Travel Site. Rent private house in Cuba
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Our Offerings
Villa Llerena In April - June will offer the rooms in special price 25 CUC/room and all the floor with two rooms by 40 CUC.
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Great Discounts
Travel Cuba Site offers discounts from 10 to 20 percent if you plan to stay a month or more at Havana.
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Show Cuban PLACES or Turistic and Historical Information by Province
Browse our Photo Gallery with 384 points of interest in Havana City and 473 all around Cuba.
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Select Private Houses in Cuba (103 in Havana City and 159 in all the country)

Welcome to
Travel Cuba Site

Looking for nice private accommodations in Cuba?

Travel Cuba Site gives you the best solutions and the widest selection of Private Houses (Why Private Houses ?), rooms and apartments for rent in Cuba: More than 110 Private houses at Havana City and 170 all around the country. Travel Cuba Site helps you to find the Private Houses you need easily and fulfilling your requirements. There is no reservation fees and we can send on request wider house information.

INFOCUBA also offer for you :
Cuba Guide contain (General information of Cuba, National attributes, The cuban people, Why Private houses?, Cuban money, Customs regulations, Historical synthesis, Principal cities, Festivals, Fairs and Festivities, Festival days, Cuban cuisine, Cuban cocktails)
Cuba Travel Guide contain (Museums, Monuments, Theaters, Arts Galery, Cabarets and Nights Clubs, Where go to recreation ?, Commercial Centre, Where buy ?, Cubana Airlines International offices) in Cuba
Cuba Specialty Guide contain (Architecture, Origins, Music, Painting, Literature, Films, Photos, Handicraft, Stamps, Old cars, Curiosities, Culture Personalities) in Cuba
Cuba Tourist and Historic offer tourist and historic Information and facts about Cuban provinces, municipalities, cities
Cuban Places offers Photos and Information of more than 600 important Places in all cuban provinces, ordered by Type of Places or by Area, with access to Specialized Searchs (Places depending on What you want to do?) like (Where to go for recreation ?, Where to buy ?, Where to eat ?, Places related to Health, Money, ... ), or access to Specifical Types of Places in Havana City that are nor founded using Specialized Searchs (Apartment for Rent, Associations, Bridges, Important Buildings, Churches, Electronic Mails, Embassies, Hostels, Hotels, INFOTUR, Libraries, Ministeries, Post Offices, Schools, Telephon Offices, Temples, Tunnels, Universities, Views, Meteorological Institute, and Others)
(Fuel Service, Rent a Car, Taxis, Airport, Flying Tickets, End Station)
Cuban Maps shows the most important provinces, cities, municipalities and neighborhoods maps of Cuba, linked to photos and Information of places.
Cuba Music give you a selection of the best Cuban Music. 70 songs .MP3, and the most famous cuban singers, orchestra, musical groups and videos musical. New Travel Cuba Site Service
Do not miss the opportunity to meet the cuban people, learn about cubans culture and traditions, getting the best all times.
Havana City Maps You can select the map that you wish to look at, see photos, information, places to visit and Private Houses in this area.
Map of Havana City by Municipalities Touristic Map (of the Central part) of Havana City

Online Booking Service - With Travel Cuba Site you have 3 ways of making an online reservation:

  1. Search the house you like the most and click "Reserve".
  2. Click on House Reservation and send us the characteristics of the house you need, very rapidly you will received by E-mail our sugestion.
  3. Click Tour Reservation and select the cities that want to visit, selecting or no the Particular Houses, or, we will send you by E-mail the better proposition of lodgings for you.

Are you the owner of a house and would like to rent it? Then this is the web site for you! Please
Contact us for details.

Our Best Houses
Travel Cuba Site. To show Photos and Details of Villa Llerena (HAV002)
Travel Cuba Site. Private House HAV050. To show Photos and Details
Travel Cuba Site. Private House HAV032. To show Photos and Details
Travel Cuba Site. Private House HAV047. To show Photos and Details
Travel Cuba Site. Private House HAV051. To show Photos and Details
Places to go
If it's the first time that you visit Cuba, we offer our suggestions of places that you don't want to miss to see in Havana or "Places by Use"
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Know CUBA with INFOCUBA v1.0
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Author : Eng. Jorge Llerena Rodríguez. LlerySoft
Private Houses for Rent in Cuba (Casas Particulares). General, turistical and historical Information of Cuba. The more important Cuban places. MAPS and MUSIC of Cuba OFFERINGS : Spanish and Computer Courses, Dancing Classes, Craftmanship, Tropical fashions, Software, Publicity, Constructions